Saturday, January 10, 2009


Our Store is NOW OPEN!

The premier product is our 2009 Fugger Calendar! We're very proud of it, and think you'll love it. Special thanks to Flooz for creating such an incredible product - to Bitca for her hard work on the store - and to Scout for stepping in when we needed her to help finish things up!

There's a slight downside:

The Calendar is available in VERY LIMITED QUANTITY.
We were able (thanks flooz) to get what we got, for FREE - so every single penny goes to charity. But of course - we had to limit it to a small number of calendars.

So - go get them. If there's enough demand, we'll try to figure something else out - but for now - first come first served.

And - if you try to buy more than one - we'll thank you kindly for your extra donation - and ship you only one anyway.

Yeah - I know - I suck.

More products coming soon!

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